SBI e-Remit Privacy Statement

This Privacy Policy was last updated in May 2023.

About this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how the State Bank of India Australia ('we', 'our', or 'us') protects your privacy. We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ('Privacy Act') and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

This Privacy Policy provides you with information about your privacy rights and how we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information. It also includes:

  1. Our policy on the handling of credit reports and other credit information
  2. Key information about credit reporting matters.

In addition to the Privacy Act, individuals located in the European Union (EU) may also have rights under EU based rules known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR has a harmonised data privacy laws of each individual EU country, giving more rights to individuals located in the EU and more obligations to organisations holding their personal information. Details of additional rights of individuals located in the EU are outlined in Appendix 2.

Our commitment to privacy

As a Global banking and financial services organisation, the State Bank of India, Australia (SBIA) has a long histo1y of handling personal information with transparency and openness.

Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information is fundamental to the way we do business. Our systems are designed to protect your privacy whenever we collect, hold, use or disclose your personal information.

We encourage any person who has a comment, query or complaint about a privacy matter to get in touch ...,vith our CEO, Relations or Privacy Officer using the following details:

State Bank of India, Australia Branch Sydney Office:
Level 31, 264 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: (02) 92415643
Fax: (02) 9241 0536

Privacy laws

Our aim is to comply with all applicable privacy laws, including the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) including in the unlikely event of a data breach, due to control failures or due to the actions or inactions of individuals in our employ, through agreement or through third-party contractor arrangements, we will notify you in accordance with the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme under Part IIIC of the Privacy Act 1988. We will also take any actions possible to work with relevant authorities in:

  1. recovering any physical information that has been taken; or
  2. mitigating the risks associated with the breach, to the extent that the breach has exposed or revealed your private information.

Collection and use

We generally only collect and use information necessary to provide our banking and financial products and services to you. We may also collect and use personal information for other reasons where the law allows or requires it.

Most commonly, we will collect and use your information to:

  1. confirm your identity
  2. consider your eligibility for products and services
  3. establish your tax status under any Australian or foreign law
  4. process your application and provide you with products and services
  5. contact you about a product or service being provided to you
  6. delivering our products and services
  7. customer relations including managing our relationship with you,
  8. responses to market research surveys, competition entries and product development
  9. assisting with your questions or complaints and/or comply with any legal or regulato1y obligations
  10. perform necessa1y business functions (such as audits, record keeping, training, reporting, planning, and research)
  11. developing and testing our technology systems
  12. collecting overdue payments, or
  13. or any purpose where you have given consent.

We will tell you how we intend to use your personal information when we collect it. This information will usually be set out in documents provided to you, such as in our application form or our terms and conditions.

We will usually collect personal information directly from you. Most commonly, this will be when you contact us, open an account, fill in an application form, visit our web sites, use our mobile apps, or visit us in person.

If you do not provide us with the necessary personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products and services.

The type of personal information we collect may include:

  1. information about your identity (including your name, date of birth, gender, marital status, driver's license number, passport details and address)
  2. contact details (including your phone number and email address)
  3. your tax file number or tax residency status, and
  4. financial details (including your annual income, transaction history, and credit history).

We may also be required by law to collect and use personal information. For example, we may be legally required to:

  1. verify your identity,
  2. credit information (see section headed credit information below for more details), or
  3. assess your capacity to repay a loan.

As you interact with us over time, we may collect and hold additional personal information (including but not limited to council rate notices, contracts of sale, etc), use of account, call, email or sms, our website or mobile app, or when we are managing a hardship application or dealing with a complaint or enquiry about your products or services.

We have obligations under the Australian Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML Obligations) which require us to carry out client identification and verification procedures. This law requires us to collect and keep records which include your personal information and credit details for 7 years from the date of the last relevant service offered by us.

In some cases, you might need to give us personal information about other people - such as when you have an authorised representative. In those situations, we are relying on you to tell those people that you are giving us their details, and to let them know about this policy.

Collecting information from third parties about you

We may also collect personal information about you from a third party. We will take reasonable steps to let you know when we do this. For example, if you apply for a loan, we might need to ask a credit reporting body for your credit report or conduct a property valuation. We may also collect financial and transaction information from other financial institutions either directly or through you and/or a third-party service provider. We may use information we receive about you, to help us identify and tell you about products and services that may be of interest to you and for administrative purposes.

Our AML obligations permit the use and disclosure of certain personal information held by a credit reporting body (CRB) to us for the purpose of verifying your identity under the AML/CTF Act. Sometimes, we might collect information about you that's publicly available - for example, from things like social media, telephone directories or public registers, e.g. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Australian Business Register (ABR).

We must also fulfil our legal obligations to Australian and overseas enforcement bodies including Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).

From time to time, we may receive information about you which did not intentionally collect. If the information is not publicly available or on a Commonwealth record, we will:

  1. destroy or de-identify the information, and
  2. comply with any privacy obligations in treating the information.

Sensitive information

'Sensitive information' is a type of personal information. Many different types of information can be classified as sensitive information. Among other things, sensitive information includes information or an opinion about a person's racial or ethnic origins, nationality, biometric data, (e.g. signature, call recordings), politics, religious beliefs or health information.

We do not generally collect sensitive information about you. We will only collect sensitive information with your express consent or if we are legally required to do so. Our AML obligations require us to collect 'sensitive information' in the Privacy Act 1988 which may include information or an opinion about your political opinions or membership of a political association to determine if you are a politically exposed person (PEP).

Online data collection

Not only do we use this information to improve and maintain our online channels but also to improve security, tailor our marketing advertising, tracking and analysing your session data. Until you log in, or contact us, any browsing you do on our site is completely anonymous.

Here is some of the general information we may collect when you visit any of our online channels or applications:

  1. the website that referred you to ours
  2. the browser, operating system or device type you are using
  3. IP address or device ID
  4. the date/time and duration of visit
  5. what you view, and any errors may encounter whilst on our site
  6. information from third party websites, applications or platforms containing interactive content or that interface with our website and applications, or
  7. how you navigate through the site and interact with pages (including fields completed in applications).

We use this information to:

  1. carry out your instructions
  2. administer and enhance the performance, content and services offered on our online channels
  3. improve the effectiveness of our marketing activities, including remarketing our offers on third party websites
  4. monitor web traffic
  5. secure your transactions with us, or
  6. remember your preferences and other purposes.

We may collect personal information about you from social media platforms but we will never ask you to supply personal information publicly over Facebook, Twitter or any other social media platform we use.

Sometimes we may invite you to send your details to us via private messaging for example to answer a question about your account. Unfinished applications If you start but do not finish an online application, we might use the details you have provided so far to get in touch with you or offer help finishing the application.


A'cookie' is a small text file stored on your computer, mobile or other electronic device. As you browse a website, cookies gather and store some information about your use of the website.

We collect cookies on our website to improve the services we provide and enhance your experience when using the website. Cookies are useful because they allow om website to recognise your device and whether you have visited the website before.

The cookies we collect vary depending on which part of our website you visit and what you are trying to do. Some types of cookies are essential to how our website works and ensure you can access our website in your browser.

Most browsers are set up to accept cookies. You can adjust the settings on your browser to change this. The 'help' function on your browser will tell you how to change your settings. However, if you restrict cookies this may affect your experience when using our website.

Our website might also keep a record that you have visited the website by logging your IP address. An IP address is a numeric label specific to your device. Logging your IP address helps us collect useful information about the ways you use our website.

Sharing your personal information

There are some situations in which we will share your information with another organisation or person, including when you have given consent or at your request. We only share information with third parties that we believe have the proper systems in place to look after your personal information.


We may disclose your personal information to third parties in certain circumstances. These include when we:

  1. deal with third party contractors
  2. need to disclose personal information to an overseas third party
  3. share personal information within the State Bank of India, or are required to disclose personal information under an Australian law or an order of a court or tribunal.

Dealing with third party contractors

We may need to disclose your personal information to a third-party contractor in order to provide our services to you. This is only done on the basis that the contractor will not use your personal information for other purposes.

Third parties may include:

  1. Verification senrices, including identity verification senrice providers
  2. organisations who do work for us (including marketing, mailing, and IT supp01t work)
  3. General service providers:
    • security and information technology companies that provide or maintain the systems and services we use,
    • debt recovery agencies and debt purchasers.
  4. other banks or financial institutions
  5. auditors, insurers aml re-insurers
  6. external advisers such as valuers, lawyers, or auditors
  7. organisations we use in funding arrangements (including agents, advisers and researchers)
  8. government bodies and law enforcement agencies, including external complaint resolution bodies, and
  9. Representatives and guarantors:
    • authorised representatives,
    • people acting on your behalf, such as brokers, advisers, parents, guardians, trustees or people holding power of attorney,
    • guarantors, including prospective guarantors.

Overseas third parties

In some situations, we may need to disclose personal information to an overseas third party.

We will only disclose your personal information to an overseas third party if:

  1. the disclosure is necessary tu undertake a transaction on your behalf, or
  2. we have your consent and are fully satisfied that the disclosure is in accordance with our privacy obligations at law.

For example, where an overseas transaction is being made, we may need to disclose your personal information to our legal advisers located outside of Australia.

The countries likely to which we receive and disclose information from include India, Singapore, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and the European Union. This list of countries may be updated from time to time.

We understand that overseas third paities may not be subject to the same privacy obligations as us. If we disclose personal information to an overseas third party, we make sure there are arrangements in place to protect your personal information.

Sharing information within the State Bank of India

We may also disclose your personal information by sharing information with other branches of the State Bank of India located outside Australia. This may be necessary depending on the product or services which you have applied for. We will obtain your consent to share any personal information with other branches of the State Bank of India.

Tax file numbers and other government identifiers

We may ask you for your tax file number (TFN) when dealing with you. We may collect your TFN when you open a deposit account and although it is not compulsory to provide it, if you choose not to, we may deduct withholding tax from your interest payments at the highest marginal rate. We may also ask you about your taxation residency status. If you are a tax resident of another country, we may need to collect your relevant foreign tax identification number.

In certain circumstances because of our AML obligations, you may not be able to provide a different government identifier, such as a pension number.

We will not use your any identifier as an account, policy or application number. We only use and disclose these identifiers as required or authorised by law. For example, we may be required to disclose your TFN to the Australian Taxation Office or AUSTRAC.

Sometimes, we may also be required to share some of your personal information with the Australian Taxation Office, who may exchange this information with tax authorities in other counh·ies in accordance with intergovernmental agreements.


We will seek your consent to collect, use or disclose personal information about you wherever possible.

Your consent can be express or implied, verbal or written. For example, our loan applications may expressly ask for your consent to a credit reference check.

You may be taken to give implied consent by your actions or inactions. For example, our telephone banking service notifies you that the call may he monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes. If you choose to continue the call after hearing the notification, you have given us your implied consent to monitor or record the call.

Marketing and privacy

We do not disclose names and addresses to third parties for marketing purposes. However, as providing the best service possible to our customers is fundamental to our business, we may use personal information to identify products and services that may benefit you. We may also contact you from time to time to tell you about new or existing products or services. These communications may be sent in various forms, including by letter, SMS, email, phone, social media, or other electronic means. We may market our products and services to you even after you leave us.

You can opt out at any time if you do not want to receive marketing information from us by using opt-out facilities provided in the marketing communications.

Accuracy of personal information

Having accurate information about you allows us to provide you with the best possible service. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and not misleading.

Please contact us if you learn that current personal information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete, out-of-date, irrelevant or misleading. We will promptly update our records.

If we disagree with a request you make to correct personal information, we will issue a written notice to you including the reasons for the refusal and available complaint mechanisms. You have the right to request that a statement is attached to the personal information setting out your view about why the information is inaccurate.

For requests to correct credit information we might need to consult a credit repmting body or another credit provider. If we find that there is a mistake regarding your credit information, we can help you to ask them to correct it. If we make the correction:

  1. your credit information, we'll tell any other people or organisations we had previously shared the information with (e.g. a credit repmting body);
  2. any other personal information, we will tell any other people or organisations we had previously shared the information with.

Updating your information

We do our best to keep your personal and credit information accurate, and up to date. It is impo1tant we have your current home and email address and phone details, so if any of your details change - let us know by calling us on +61 02 92415643 or via email or by visiting our branches

Access to personal information

You can find out what personal information we hold about you by making a request. Requests should be made to our Privacy Officer using the details set out on page 1 of this Privacy Policy. We will need to verify your identity before providing you any information.

In general, there are no fees to access or correct your information. But if you ask for access to a large amount of information, we might charge a reasonable administration fee to cover time spent locating the information and providing it to you. If that situation comes up, we will let you know about the fee before we get started on your request.

We will normally be able to deal with your request immediately. If the request is complex, we will ask you to complete a personal information request form. We can usually deal with even a complex request within 30 days.

We may not be able to tell you what personal information we hold about you in certain circumstances. This includes where:

  1. the privacy of other individuals, public health or public safety is threatened
  2. the request for access is frivolous or vexatious
  3. the information may be relevant to legal proceedings
  4. the information would reveal commercially sensitive information, or
  5. the law prevents us from disclosing the information.

If we are unable to tell you what personal information we hold about you, we will tell you why and tiy to find other ways to let you access your information.


Whenever we store your personal information or credit information - we always take proper steps to safeguard and protect it, in accordance with Australian privacy law.

We may store your information in hard copy or electronic format. We may keep it on our premises or in storage facilities located in Australia, or that are rented and operated by om trusted service providers (including cloud providers that may be located outside of Australia).

Protecting your information is our priority. We use a combination of technical solutions, security controls and internal processes to help us protect your information and our network from unauthorised access and disclose.

We train our staff on how to keep information safe and secure. If we do not need yom information anymore, we'll de identify it or dispose it securely as soon as practical. However, some personal information may be retained for varying time periods to comply with legal and regulatory obligations and for other legitimate business reasons.

We do our best to keep you and your information safe and secure, but you should know that there is always a risk of that information being compromised, however small.

Always make sure to keep your personal and login details safe and educate yourself on the best ways to safeguard your information, e.g., protecting your banking details by not sharing your passwords and keeping up to date with any security material we provide to you. We will not ask for your personal or identity details via an email or SMS link. If you receive this type of request, contact us immediately.

Keeping your information safe is vital - which is why we get you to verify your identity before you can access or change the personal details, we have for you.

Destruction of personal information

We will use all reasonable endeavors to destroy personal information if it is no longer needed for:

  1. the purposes for which we collected it, or
  2. meeting legal requirements.

We use secure methods to dispose of any hardcopy documents containing personal information. Information stored in electronic form is simply deleted from our systems.


You are entitled to complain if you believe that we have not handled your personal information the right way.

We will acknowledge receipt of a complaint within 24 hours and let you know who is responsible for managing your complaint. We will also try to complete the investigation within 30 days and inform you of the outcome.

If we are unable to resolve the dispute within 30 days, we will:

  1. tell you the reason or reasons for the delay
  2. give you monthly updates on the investigation
  3. work with you to try and agree on a reasonable alternative time frame, and
  4. tell you when it is expected that a decision will be reached.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint, then you will be advised to approach AFCA as a free independent means of external dispute resolution or lodge a complaint with OAIC, whose contact details are as follows:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited
Melbourne VIC 3001
Tel: 1800 931 678
Fax: (03) 9613 6399

The Privacy Commissioner
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
GPO Box5218
Sydney NSW 2001
Tel: 1300 363 992
Internet: Email:

Our complaints process is as follows:


The CEO, Relations Officer or Privacy Officer can be contacted using the details set out on page 1 of this Privacy Policy.

Need more information?

You should contact the person, department or branch that you normally deal with if you would like more information about this Privacy Policy. You will need to do this between 9.00am and 5.00pm (EST) and Monday to Friday.

Appendix 1 - Credit Policy

When you make a credit application either as an individual on your own behalf or as a director or an agent acting on behalf of an applicant or provide documents as a guarantor, we will collect and store credit information, and that information could be shared or used in the future. Your certified identification documents are also reviewed as part of our AML Obligations (coming from the AML/CTF Act). Information required by us may include:

  1. certified proof of and verification of your identity
  2. occupation and business activities
  3. photo ID
  4. tax returns and tax assessment
  5. source of Funds
  6. beneficial owners
  7. type or the amount of existing credit you had or have
  8. how much is the borrowing and how we manage your credit obligation (which could include details of defaults and repayment history)
  9. if you have committed a fraud or other serious credit infringement
  10. details of credit-related court proceedings or insolvency, or

information about your credit worthiness that has been derived from the above for our ovm credit ratings, assessments and ongoing reviews. In addition to using personal information as mentioned above, your credit information could be used for a few different things, including:

  1. assessing your credit application or to accept you as a guarantor
  2. our internal operations, including risk management, securitisation, credit scoring and po1tfolio analysis
  3. determine whether you need assistance to meet your repayment obligations to help prevent defaults
  4. assist with financial hardship applications
  5. collecting overdue payments, or
  6. in circumstances where we reasonably believe that you have committed a serious credit infringement.

To determine your overall credit score and your ability to manage credit , we may exchange credit information and credit reports with credit reporting bodies, other financial institutions, our other agents or other State Bank of India branches.

If you fail to provide adequate information to verify the credit details we will not be able to assess your application.

The credit reporting agencies we or our agents or other State Bank of India branches may use to obtain your credit information are Equifax Pty Ltd, Illian Australia Pty Ltd, Dun & Bradstreet Pty Ltd and Experian Information Solutions Inc. You can download a copy of their privacy policies from their websites. They also have a legal responsibility and obligations under the Privacy Act and our Privacy Policy to keep your information secure.

We use information we obtain from credit reporting bodies, other financial institutions and/or third-party agents (Other Entities) to confirm your identity, assess credit applications, manage our relationship with you, assess your skills to manage credit and collect overdue amounts.

We may also share your personal and credit information with Other Entities so they can provide credit reports to others and the Other Entities may include information in reports to assist other credit providers in assessing your credit wo1thiness.

In accordance with our AML/CTF Obligations and State Bank of India Record Management Policy we, our agents or other State Bank of India branches must retain your credit information for 7 years from th.e discharge of yom credit facility and may retain records for other business reasons for up to 10 years or a reasonable such time.

Accessing or correcting your credit information

To see or correct your credit information go to the access, update, or correct your information section.

Resolving credit issues or complaints

If you are concerned about how your credit information has been handled, or if you have a complaint, check out the resolving your privacy issues or complaints section.

Appendix 2 - General Data Protection Regulation

The European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has protections and rights to individuals by harmonizing the data privacy laws of each individual EU country and created more obligations on organisations holding EU located individuals' data. In this Appendix 2 "personal information" means "personal data" in the GDPR.

If you are located in the EU, we are required to provide you with more information about how we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information as well as being transparent and open about your rights as a "data subject".

What personal information we collect

Please refer to the main Privacy Policy for details of personal information we collect.

Special categories of personal information

We only will process special categmies of personal information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical believes, trade union data or biometric data such as fingerprints where you have consented or where we are required to disclose under law.

Keeping of your personal information

We endeavor to keep your personal information for only as long as we need it. Where you cease being a customer we may retain your personal information for legal or regulatory obligations, internal research and analytics or to respond to a question or complaint.

Using your personal information

Please refer to the main Privacy Policy for details of how we use personal information.

Rights as a data subject

As a data subject you have rights on your personal information these may include:

  1. Right to be informed on you the processing, object or to restrict the processing of your personal information
  2. Right to access, rectification or erasure of your personal information
  3. Right to data pmtability of the information in a format that can be easily reused

In addition to the above you have the right to lodge a complaint and refer to the main Privacy Policy for details or more information and details of the EU jurisdictions where you can find the data protection authorities p.

Where you decline to disclose personal information with us we may not be able to provide you with components of our products and services.

Minors and children's privacy

Any collection of details of children under 16 will only be with the consent of a parent or guardian.

SBI AU e-Remit Mobile App Privacy Notice

What does this section cover?

This section sets out how SBIA collects, handles, uses and discloses your personal information and applies to your use of our remittance services, made available or accessible via our mobile application “SBI AU e-Remit” 

A special note about children

Persons under the age of 18 years are not eligible to use our Service.


Information We Collect and How We Collect and Hold It

We may collect, use, disclose and hold the following information about you:

  • Information you give us about yourself. - You may give us personal information about yourself as a result of using our Services. The information you may give us includes: your name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, telephone number, username, password, other security and registration details, all or part of your government identification details, bank account number, personal description, photograph and /or your picture, video/audio recording, or other evidence of yourself with your identification documentation. We will also collect and save information obtained from scanned copies of your official identification documents, including your passport or drivers' licence. If you contact us, we may also keep a record of that correspondence. 
  • Information you give us about third parties. - We also collect third party personal information you provide in order for us to facilitate funds transfers, such as your recipient's full name, physical address, email address, and phone number. However, we will not contact your recipients.
  • Information we collect about you, your use of our App and your Device. - Each time you visit our Website or use our SBI AU e-Remit App we may automatically collect the following information:
  1. Information about your usage of the Service, including your transaction history, and how and to whom you use the Service to send or receive money;
  2. Information that we indirectly obtain from you, such as information about the hardware and software you use when accessing the Service (which may include the type of Device you use), a unique device identifier (for example, your Device’s IMEI number, the MAC address of the Device’s wireless network interface, or the mobile number used by the Device), your IP address, mobile network information, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile browser you use, its time zone setting, the pages you access on our Websites, and other websites that you visit prior to accessing our Service.
  • Information we receive from other sources. - We work closely with third parties (for example, identity verification services, electronic database services, business partners, payment and delivery services etc.) and may lawfully obtain information about you from them.
  • Location information. - We may also use GPS technology to determine your current location. You will be asked to consent to your data being used for this purpose in the App.

As part of verifying your identity we may collect sensitive information for example, through facial recognition technology or scans of your identity documents. You acknowledge that by clicking ‘Register’, ‘Overseas Remittance’, ‘Confirm Transfer’ and/or as our Services otherwise instruct you, you are consenting to us collecting your sensitive information as set out here. 

Without your personal information we may be unable to provide you with our Services.

Correction of Your Information

You can always access, modify, delete or update your personal information submitted on our App / Website by logging into your account in our Website and clicking “Update Profile” and “Manage Beneficiaries”.

Security and data retention

We use industry accepted standards i.e. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology) in protecting the information you submit to us via our Services. We also require the use of security credentials (for example, a username and password) from on our Website and/or our App. You can also control access to our App via using your fingerprint on your Device (for example, via Apple Touch ID). We do not collect your fingerprint data.

Please note that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure and thus we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Please note that we will retain your information for as long as your Profile is active. We will also retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations and resolve disputes.


If you have a complaint regarding our handling of your personal information, email or contact SBIA Customer Service by phone at (02) 9241 5643. You may refer to the details in our Privacy Policy placed alongside.


Besides the contact details mentioned in our Privacy Policy, you can also contact us:


Phone:  (02) 9241 5643

1. Purpose of this PDS

This PDS is an important legal document setting out information about International Money Transfer (IMT) services provided by SBI Australia (SBIA). This PDS is designed to provide you with important information regarding IMT including the following information:

  • Who we are
  • How can you contact us
  • Applicable fees and charges for these products
  • Any (potential) conflicts of interest we may have; and
  • Our internal and external dispute resolution process.

The information in this PDS should assist you to:

  • decide if the product meets your needs; and
  • compare the product with similar products.

This PDS is intended as general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. If you intend to use any of the products described in this PDS, please read this PDS in full, then keep it, together with all other documentation which you receive from SBIA in connection with International Money Transfer, for future reference. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us. The purpose of this PDS is to assist you in deciding whether the services offered by SBIA are appropriate for you.

2. Name and Contact Details

SBIA holds an Australian Financial Services Licence Number 238340 and is authorised to provide foreign currency dealing and money transmission services to clients who need to buy/sell currencies or make/receive international payments.

If you have any questions or wish to contact us, you can

  • call +61 2 9241 5643/ +61 3 86 377 930 between 9:00am and 4:30 pm AEST (on weekdays except public holidays) OR
  • email us on or
  • Visit us at :
    • Suite 2, Level 31, 264 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Or
    • Level 9, Victory Tower,416-420 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC-3000

3. Terms and Conditions

International Money Transfers (IMTs) are electronic payments of cleared funds that are credited directly to a nominated bank account almost anywhere in the world. They are a fast and reliable way of making international payments.

Information provided to you in the FSG and this PDS is important and is binding on you. As a part of the registration process you are required to agree to SBIA’s Terms & Conditions. By registering you have stated that you have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions.

We recommend that you read all terms provided in this document relating to IMTs and that you ask us about any issues that concern you.

4. Exchange Rate

Where you purchase an International Money Transfer in a currency other than Australian dollars, the exchange rate that applies to the purchase of the currency is either the SBIA published exchange rate on[] or a market based rate of exchange, depending on the value of the transaction or the method you use to request the International Money Transfer, at the time your request is submitted and accepted by SBIA. The exchange rate for the remittance will be fixed at the time you submit your remittance instructions and will not be changed in spite of the movement in the market exchange rate to avoid speculation and to ensure fairness in our dealings.

5. Using Correspondent Bank

  1. SBIA may use the services of another bank ('the Correspondent Bank') or agency ('the Correspondent Agency') or another branch of State Bank of India (SBI) (collectively the Correspondent) to give effect to the instructions of the Applicant/ remitter.
  2. Any money sent overseas will be paid to the recipient/ beneficiary within three business days (Australian time) from the time we have accepted your money credited to SBIA account, subject to us satisfying our AML/CFT requirements. However, this could take longer, depending on external situations such as:
    • The requirement or practices of the overseas regulators and its banks.
    • Additional screening and processes (e.g., payments to 1st time beneficiaries);
    • Internal communication breakdown; and
    • Another bank problem or delays in processing a remittance.
  3. You agree and acknowledge that SBIA shall not be liable for any cost, loss or liability incurred by you and/or your beneficiary as a result of any delay in, or failure of processing your payment instructions by a Correspondent.
  4. SBIA may terminate the use of a Correspondent to process any payment on behalf of SBIA. Should SBIA terminate a correspondent, SBIA may not be able to process a payment instruction on your behalf. You acknowledge and agree that should this occur SBIA shall not be held liable for any cost, loss or liability incurred by you or the beneficiary as a result of SBIA not being able to process your payments due to SBIA terminating a Correspondent.
  5. SBIA may receive a commission from or enter into commission/revenue sharing arrangements with a Correspondent, the amount of which will depend on various factors.

6. Correspondent Commissions, Fees or Other Charges

A Correspondent may charge fees or other charges in making payments to the beneficiary account. Unless other arrangements are in place with a Correspondent those fees or charges will normally either be deducted by

  1. Correspondent from the funds paid to the beneficiary's account or passed on to SBIA.
  2. Where the deduction is made, the beneficiary will receive less than the payment amount specified in your instructions.
  3. If the fees or charges are passed on to SBIA, then you will be required to reimburse SBIA for them.

SBIA are not liable for any costs or losses arising from the actions of other banks, even those we have appointed.

7. Access to account

You may access your account via our online web-portal, or via use of our designated mobile application. The layout and functionality of our mobile app may differ from that of the online web- portal.

8. SBIA Fees and Other Charges

  1. Spread - SBIA derives a financial benefit by offering a rate to clients which applies a spread. The FX spread refers to the difference between the rate we obtain from our own providers on the wholesale foreign exchange market (e.g. the Interbank Spot Rate) and the rate we quote you. The spread will vary time to time. SBIA will not usually be able to tell you what the spread is, but you are always free to compare the exchange rate we quote you with other providers to ensure that we are offering you a good rate.
  2. Transactions fees -SBIA fees and charges are available at
  3. Third party fees and charges - Although SBIA aims to avoid having additional third-party fees deducted from your funds, in some cases it is unavoidable. Certain corresponding banks we use to process payments may deduct transaction fees that we have not anticipated. This may result in an amount less than you transferred arriving at the Beneficiary Account. SBIA does not levy or receive these fees and will not be liable of payment of such. If you have any questions regarding the likelihood of third-party fees being levied by intermediary banks or receiving banks, please contact us.

9. Delayed Payments

  1. Your transaction will get processed during working hours. Your transaction will be processed only after funds are received and sighted by SBIA. Funds will normally be received by the beneficiary within 2-3 business* days (* applicable to intermediary and beneficiary country(ies) business days as well). However, in case of AUD-NPR transactions, funds will be credited to the beneficiary account on T+1 business day for NSBI account holders and T+2 business days for non-NSBI account holders over and above 2-3 business days of time taken to credit beneficiary. The timeline will be subject to production of documents, if any, to our satisfaction for all documentary, due-diligence, and regulatory requirements. The expected timeline for completion of remittance will start after the complete submission of documents requirements, if any to our satisfaction by the representative.
  2. The transfer of funds may be delayed past the Expected Time due to circumstances beyond SBIA' control (which include but are not limited to) cut off times for transmissions imposed by a Correspondent, Closure of payment window; technical fault at RITS, APCA, SBIA etc., delays or complications in post or otherwise delays, errors or omissions in transit or transmission; acts or omissions of a Correspondent or any other third party; or delays and complications in overseas banking systems. To the maximum extent permissible by law, SBIA and its employees and agents accept no responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from delays that arise as a result of the circumstances specified above or any act or thing done or omitted to be done by SBIA while acting in good faith on the Applicant's instructions.
  3. Where the funds are not available for payment to the beneficiary by the Expected Time, the Applicant may request that SBIA generate on behalf of the applicant, an enquiry into the delay ('the Enquiry'). Where the delay is not caused by SBIA, the applicant will indemnify SBIA for all or any costs or expenses incurred by SBIA as a result of generating, carrying out and completing the enquiry including, without limitation, legal costs on a solicitor and client basis.
  4. SBIA may contact you to confirm your instructions or your identity or request some additional documentation and may ask you to undertake further actions (such as an identification check.) Without limitation to clause 5 & 6 (service charges), if SBIA is unable to confirm your instructions or your identity to its satisfaction or finds the additional information inadequate in any way, then SBIA may decide in its absolute discretion to refund, delay, block or refuse to make payments and in doing so will not be held liable to you for any costs, losses or damages caused or suffered as a result.

10. Return of The Payment by The Correspondent Bank

  1. In the event that a payment cannot be applied by a Correspondent Bank, the Correspondent Bank will either request additional information or return the payment to SBIA, less any fees. Where additional information is requested, SBIA will attempt to contact you via mail or phone to obtain the required information.
  2. Where the payment is returned SBIA will credit your account with the Australian Dollar equivalent of the amount received (less SBIA and/or Correspondent 's Charges), at SBIA' prevailing buying rate of exchange for the currency on the date that SBIA credit your account. Please note that this rate of exchange is likely to be different from the rates which applied when you requested your payment. This may mean the credit to your account is of greater or lesser value than the original transaction.
  3. Where funds are to be recalled from India (or, any other beneficiary country) to Australia, we have to advise that we shall take up the case with our correspondent bank. However, please be advised that for request for cancellation and recall, SBI Australia will charge you cancellation fees and exchange losses in addition to any feesthat maybe charged by the correspondents. Please be advised that the recall of funds is done on best effort basis and SBI Australia would be able to refund the funds only when the Beneficiary bank returns the funds .

11. Enquiries and Stopping or Cancelling a Payment

In some limited circumstances SBIA may be able to stop or cancel a transfer of funds. We may stop or cancel a transaction if we believe in good faith, that the transaction will:

  1. Breach the local or international laws.
  2. Cause you to lose the funds transferred to us; and
  3. Expose you or us to unreasonable risks.

If SBIA is returning the funds before the funds transfer request was processed, it will take 7-10 working days for credit to appear in remitter’s account after SBIA initiates Return of funds request through the Australian banking channel.

You acknowledge that if SBIA agrees to stop or cancel a payment, SBIA will not return the funds to you until they are received by SBIA from the Correspondent Bank. Cancellations requested to take undue advantage from the movement in exchange rate will not be accepted. Not paying for these transactions could lead to blocking for your e-Remit account and unblocking only on payment of applicable service charges.

Where you request SBIA to stop or cancel a payment or transfer of funds, SBIA will charge you fees in accordance with published service charges and the following terms and conditions. The fees are applicable regardless of whether or not SBIA is successful in stopping or cancelling the payment. You acknowledge that any Correspondent Bank may also charge a fee and that this will be deducted from the returned funds. You agree to indemnify SBIA for any loss that occurs as a result of SBIA agreeing to stop or cancel a payment, which includes any loss as a result of any foreign exchange movement between and including the date of the original conversion of your funds and the date you are notified by SBIA of the return of the payment. SBIA will convert the value of the returned payment into Australian dollars using SBIA's applicable prevailing rate on the day you are notified by SBIA of the return of the payment.

You agree to indemnify SBIA for any loss, cost, expense or other liability (including any charge) sustained or incurred by SBIA as a result of SBIA acting in good faith on any instructions provided; both written and verbal.

You acknowledge that SBIA will rely on identification information when provided with instructions either verbally or in writing. You also acknowledge that making identification information available to other people increases the risk of fraud.

12.Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) And Sanctions

  1. You agree that SBIA may delay, block, or refuse to process any transaction/ access to account without incurring any liability and without informing you of the reasons, if SBIA suspects the transaction:
    • may breach any laws or regulations in Australia or in any other country.
    • involves any person (natural, corporate or governmental) that is itself sanctioned or is connected, directly or indirectly, to any person that is sanctioned under economic and trade sanctions imposed by the United States, the European Union or any country.
    • may directly or indirectly involve the proceeds of, or be applied for the purpose of conduct which is unlawful in Australia or in any other country; or
    • Processing the transaction if it contravenes our Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing and Sanction policies.
  2. You must provide all information to SBIA which SBIA reasonably requires in order to manage Anti -Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing and trade sanction risk or to comply with any laws or regulations in Australia or in any other country.
  3. You agree that SBIA may disclose any information concerning you, it, or any person named in the payment instruction to:
    • any law enforcement, regulatory agency or court where required by any such law or regulation in Australia or elsewhere; and
    • any Correspondent SBIA uses to make payment for the purpose of compliance with any such law or regulation.
  4. You declare and undertake to SBIA that the processing of any transaction by SBIA is in accordance with your instructions.

13. Privacy

  1. SBIA is likely to collect, use and disclose of your personal information. To know more about how SBIA handles your personal information please refer to
  2. SBIA collect your information to: a) identify you for Anti-Money Laundering/ Counter Financing Act 2006; b) share with 3rd parties to complete the transaction; and c) use in line with SBIA privacy policy. Our Privacy Policy should be read together with this document.
  3. We won’t share the details with other customers or use them for marketing purpose unless we get your consent.

Overseas recipients may not be subject to Australia Privacy laws and this may affect your ability to see any redress if the overseas recipient breaches the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

14. Code of Banking Practice

If you are an individual or a small business (as defined in the Code of Banking Practice), the Code of Banking Practice applies to this transaction. SBIA follows to the parameters set in the Code of Banking Practice.

15. Making a Complaint

A. Internal Dispute Resolution

You can make a complaint to us by writing,emailing, or over telephone to your relationship manager or the manager of the department that handled the matter. A list of key contacts is published on our website.

Please ensure your complaint states:

  • Your name;
  • The person or product you wish to complain about;
  • The best method of contacting you; and
  • Any desired outcome of your complaint.

Upon receipt of the complaint, we will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours. . We will aim to resolve your concerns as soon as possible and otherwise within 21 days from the day you raise the matter.

In the event we need more time, we may take up to 45 days to provide you with a decision and resolution.

In exceptional circumstances where we cannot resolve your matter within 45 days, we will inform you the reasons for delay, supply you with monthly updates and specify a date by which a decision will be made.

If the matter has not been resolved to your satisfaction, or if you wish to speak with someone else you may also ask to have the decision internally reviewed by contacting us.

B.External Dispute Resolution

If at any point during the complaint handling process you need any additional assistance or you are not satisfied with how we are handling your complaint or our decision, you may refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

You can contact AFCA:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority

GPO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC 3001

Phone: 1800 931 678

Email: Website:

C.Custom Behaviour

Along with our obligation to be respectful, we must also provide a safe environment for our staff to provide services and resolve complaints.

We expect you to treat SBIA staff with courtesy and respect. We will not tolerate conduct that puts our people at risk of physical or mental harm, including behaviour that is :

  • threatening
  • intimidating
  • abusive
  • bullying
  • discriminatory
  • unreasonable
  • Disputing the agreed terms of service at a later date

SBIA reserves the right to terminate the relationship and services to customers, who behave in unacceptable manner mentioned above by giving them a 14 days’ notice.

16. Limitation of Liability

We are not liable for any:

  • loss caused by us acting on your instructions in good faith, except if our negligence caused the loss;
  • any consequential losses incurred by you; and delays in other banks in remitting the funds to the beneficiary

17. Glossary

In this document, the following words have the following meanings:

  • 'You’: the person or persons named as Applicant in this document. If details of more than one person are given, then "you" means all of those named together and each of them individually.
  • 'Correspondent' : another bank or agency chosen by SBIA to convey the IMT funds directly or indirectly to the beneficiary and includes any intermediary correspondent in relation to the IMT transaction only.
  • ’Delayed Payment’ occurs when transfer of funds takes more than 48 hours, for some reasons which are out of SBIA’s control. Time taken to complete the remittance instructions on account of our due diligence process / document requirements / due to late submission of required documents by you will not be considered a ‘Delayed Payment’


The Terms and Conditions below describe the terms and conditions that apply to and govern the use of Online Sign Up process (the “Website”) using the Online Application Form and Services (as defined below). Do not use or access the Website or Services if You do not agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

The e-Remit Online application service is provided online only in Australia by State Bank of India (“SBIS”), Sydney Branch (“The Bank”). The Bank has its branch office located at Level 31, Australia Square 264 George Street Sydney NSW 2000.

Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully. The access and use of the Website means that you have read and agreed to accept the Terms and Conditions, which together with our Privacy Policy govern Your relationship with us for the use of the Website and Services.

SBI Sydney may in its sole discretion modify, alter, add to or delete the Terms and Conditions

Please note that by clicking on the check box “ I accept SBI Terms & Conditions it will be deemed that You have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and that You agree to accept these Terms and Conditions.

The following capitalised terms have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:

Agreement means the agreement between you and the Bank for the e- Remit facility which is comprised of the Application Form and these Terms and Conditions as varied from time to time.

Account means the e-Remit account you hold with the Bank.

Applicant means any person who wishes to use the e-Remit facility and who has applied for the same.

Bank or weourours or us means State Bank of India, Sydney ARBN 082 610 008, a foreign branch authorised to carry on banking business in Australia under subsection 9(3) of Banking Act 1959.

Business Day means a day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a public holiday or bank holiday at the place where an act is to be done or may be done.

Customer or youyour or yours means the customer who completed the e-Remit

Application, the customer’s executors, administrators, and permitted assigns and agent appointed by the customer from time to time.

e-Remit is a web-based portal where Customers can apply for electronic international funds transfer by using the payment mechanisms listed in paragraph E below.:

e-Remit Application means the e-Remit Application which you complete on-line to enter into this Agreement.

Proscribed Person means a person who appears to us either:

(a) to be a proscribed person or entity under the Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 (Cth);
(b) to be in breach of the laws of any jurisdiction relating to money laundering or counter-terrorism;
(c) to appear in a list of people with whom dealings are proscribed by the government or a regulatory authority of any jurisdiction; or
(d) to act on behalf, or for the benefit of, a person listed in subclauses (a) – (c).

SBIS means State Bank of India Sydney

Security Identification means all log-on identity, passwords, key encryption numbers and any other security tokens or devises used from time to time to access e-Remit and effect transactions through the e-Remit service.

"Services" means the e-Remit services.

Terms and Conditions means these terms and conditions and other terms and conditions contained elsewhere on the Website from time to time relating to the e-Remit service and International Money Transfers.

User means a person who has the authority to log into e-Remit.

Vendor means any person, other than the Bank, who displays content or offers any Facility on the Website.

Website means the website presently maintained by State Bank of India, Sydney at which hosts the e-Remit service and includes the pages of the Website and any applets, software and content contained in the Website.

"INR" means Indian Rupees. 
"AUD" means Australian Dollar.
“USD” means US Dollar
“NPR” means Nepalese Rupees
“EUR” means Euro
“GBP” means Great British Pound
“CAD” means Canadian Dollar
“NZD” means New Zealand Dollar

The words "we", "us" "our" shall be references to State Bank of India, Sydney Branch.


To access and use the Website and e-Remit facility you must be an individual of at-least 18 years of age who can enter into legally binding contracts under applicable law or a corporation, trust, association of persons or firm which can enter into legally binding contracts under applicable law. In case of a corporation, trust, association of persons or a firm, you must be authorised to agree to the Terms and Conditions and to access, use and avail of the Website and the e- Remit facility. If You do not qualify, please do not access or use the Website or the e-Remit facility.


Only Australian Residents are expected to use the e-Remit facility to remit money in AUD outside Australia only to the extent the domestic laws of Australia and such other Beneficiary countries permit them to make electronic money transfers.


  1. They also agree to indemnify and to pay to the Bank on demand and amount equal to any loss, third party claims, or liability incurred (including reasonable legal costs) or may be incurred by the Bank as a result of the person accessing the e-Remit facility in breach of applicable laws. except to the extent that the loss or damage is caused by our act or omission in breach of this Agreement or by our (or our officers, employees, contractors or agents') negligence, fraud or wilful default.CONDUCT OF USERS

You agree -

  1. to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about Yourself as prompted by the registration form on the Website, and
  2. to promptly inform us of any changes in this information.

You shall indemnify and pay to the Bank any amount equal to any losses, costs and expenses ( including reasonable legal costs )caused to the Bank due to any information provided by You to the Bank being untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete in any material respect, and the Bank shall not be responsible for any losses sustained by You due to this except to the extent that the loss or damage is caused by our act or omission in breach of this Agreement or by our (or our officers, employees, contractors or agents' ) negligence, fraud or wilful default. .. If any information provided by You is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, in any material respect the Bank has the right to terminate your registration immediately and to refuse You access to or use of the Website or the e-Remit facility.

All activities under the Service shall be deemed as activities carried out by the registered user. You shall only use the Service to transact on your own account and not on behalf of any other person or entity.

We are required by law to carry out all necessary security and customer due diligence checks on you (including any parties involved in your transaction for example, your recipient) to provide any Services to you. You agree to comply with any request from us for further information and provide such information in a format acceptable to us. In addition, you agree that we may make, directly or through any third party, any inquiries we consider necessary to validate the information you provided to us, including checking commercial databases or credit reports. You authorise us to obtain one or more of your credit reports, from time to time, to establish, update, or renew your e-Remit Account with us or in the event of a dispute relating to this Agreement and activity under your Account.

To avoid any breaches or threats related to cyber security, we expect you to

a. Change your password regularly and ensure that it isn’t reused across other online accounts.
b. Contact us if anyone asks for your unique user name or password
c. Keep your email and mobile number secure and let us know immediately if the same has been compromised.
d. You must not disclose your password or your user ID to anyone.
e. You should not use any software, widget or other applications to use, enter, process, lodge or perform any operation of material nature.
f. Do not store the User-IDs or passwords when using Internet explorer browsers
g. Check account and transaction history details regularly
h. Update the Bank when there is a change in contact particulars


You acknowledge that you have been provided with copies of the following documents in accordance with, to the extent applicable, the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001

(i) Our Product Disclosure Statement ("PDS").
(ii) Our Financial Services Guide ("FSG").
(iii) Our Website Use Agreement.
(iv) Our Privacy Statement.

You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access our Services. You should use your own virus protection software. We cannot guarantee that our Services will be free from bugs or virus.

You must not misuse our Services by introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other materials which are malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our Website, our servers, computers or databases. You must not attack our Website with any type of denial of service attack. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities, and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our Website and/or our Services will cease immediately.


Only limited access to the Website is available to non-registered Visitors. Non-registered Visitors may not be permitted to avail of the e-Remit facility. To obtain increased access to the Website and to avail of the e-Remit Facility You are required to register on the Website as a Registered User. The Registered User hereby acknowledges and agrees that he/she shall not register multiple times under the same or different names or in the name of another party without their authorisation on the Website for availing the facility. Registered User with more than one registration may be denied the facility and his/her registration may be terminated at the sole discretion of the Bank. We collect your personal information to provide our products and services and to, satisfy our regulatory obligations under the AML/CTF legislation

We will use g third party services to verify, validate and confirm your identity and therefore You undertake that you will not knowingly do anything to put us in breach of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006, rules and other subordinate instruments (AML/CTF Laws). You undertake to notify us if you become aware of anything that would put us in breach of AML/CTF Laws. If requested, you undertake to provide additional information and assistance and comply with all reasonable requests to facilitate our compliance with AML/CTF Laws in Australia or an equivalent overseas jurisdiction. We may provide your personal information to our intermediary bankers and to any government regulatory bodies that normally require it or may request it. We may also provide your information to any partners, agents or intermediaries who are a necessary part of the provision of our products and services.

You acknowledge and agree that we use international intermediaries to process transactions on your behalf and that your personal information may be sent to those overseas intermediaries to complete the transaction.
You undertake that you are not aware and have no reason to suspect that the money you are transferring is derived from or related to money laundering, terrorism financing or similar activities (Illegal Activities); and the money you are transferring will be used to finance, or in connection with Money Laundering or Terrorism financing.


Any scheme for awarding or securing Promo codes or other rewards or prizes (by whatever name called) is available only to persons who are eligible for the same under the rules of the concerned scheme and the applicable laws of Australia and other concerned jurisdictions. You are therefore required to verify that You are eligible before participating in any such scheme. The Bank is not responsible or liable for the performance, quality or any other aspect of any rewards, prizes or items manufactured or supplied by third parties against any redemption of the points or otherwise pursuant to such scheme, and Your recourse for the same will be only against the persons who have manufactured or supplied the same. Eligibility of loyalty points, awarded as per the applicable policies, is exclusive. This cannot be clubbed with any existing offer, unless otherwise specified explicitly. Redemption of loyalty points for free transactions are subject to special conditions which may vary on the mode of remittance other factors, if any.

You agree that we may use Personal information provided by You to conduct KYC and appropriate anti-fraud checks using the data available with credit reference agencies and other institutions. Personal Information that you provide may be disclosed to a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information.

From time to time, the Bank may run special offers and promotions at its sole discretion. Consumers can avail of the same subject to any applicable Terms and Conditions including the following:

Scope: The Bank will decide on the geographies and/or currencies for which the offer is valid.

Tenure: The tenure of the offer would be for a limited period and the same would be at the sole discretion of SBI

Multiple Offers: If, at any point of time, there is more than one offer running at a time, only one can be availed of.

Additional Terms: Some offers may include additional terms specific to the offer. The same would be available in the Additional Terms section.

Prizes hereunder are not transferable. In no event, the prizes can be exchanged for their value in cash.

If the prize/gift(s) remain unclaimed or the winner has not confirmed their shipping address for a period of 30 days after the announcement of the results, the prize/gift(s) shall stand cancelled and forfeited and thereafter the winners shall not be eligible to claim the prize/gift(s).

The conditions stated in these Terms and Conditions are in addition to the other terms and conditions stated elsewhere in the Website. And without prejudice to the above, these Terms and Conditions are in addition to the terms, conditions, procedures and agreements applicable in respect of each Facility which are stated at the appropriate places in respect of each Facility or in the agreements to be entered between the Bank and You / the concerned parties in respect of each Facility.


e-Remit is a web-based portal where Customers can apply for electronic international funds transfer by using the below listed payment methods:

PayID® and PayTo® (registered trademarks of NPP Australia Limited)

B-Pay® a trademark registered by BPAY Pty Ltd in Australia – For more information on BPAY, please visit

Ensuring sufficient funds are in your bank account

When using these payment methods, You acknowledge and agree that You are responsible at all times for ensuring that sufficient funds are in your nominated bank account to cover the international funds transfer you have instructed the Bank to make together with the Bank's fees.

Once you have given the Bank instructions and the Bank has acted on these instructions in good faith, the Bank will incur a loss if you then reverse or cancel any payment made to your nominated bank to cover these amounts or if for whatever reason there are insufficient funds in you nominated bank account.

In this case, you will be in breach of this Agreement and the Bank will be entitled to recover the loss from you including by taking enforcement proceedings against you after it has given you 14 days' notice to rectify the breach.


This Agreement will commence on the day that we accept the e-Remit Application or as otherwise agreed and shall continue in force and duration until terminated.

The Bank may accept e-Remit Applications in its absolute discretion. The submission of an e-Remit Application does not automatically imply the acceptance of the application. Please note that the e Remit application amount and the amount transferred to SBIS’ account should be the same.

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, we will provide you with access to e-Remit for the term of the Agreement.


You must not:

(a) transfer, sub-license or otherwise dispose of your rights to e-Remit without our written consent; or
(b) disclose, display or otherwise make e-Remit available to any other person (other than Users) without our consent.
(c) send funds to SBIS from a third-party bank account. (i.e. a bank account that does not belong to you).


You authorise us to deduct the applicable fees as outlined in the fees and charges schedule set in the document, from the AUD amount transferred by you to SBI Sydney.


Software and operating systems

The Bank may change, vary or upgrade its software, hardware or operating systems from time to time and is not responsible for supporting the software, hardware or operating systems of the Customer.

Minimum browser requirements

The Customer must ensure that the Customer meets the minimum browser requirements for e-Remit as This site uses highly secure 1024-Bit SSL encryption certified by Verisign and Site best viewed in Internet Explorer 10 and above, Google Chrome latest version, and Safari latest version. These are intended as a guide only and, as network requirements may vary, you should consult your IT service provider.

Security procedures

You must ensure that adequate security procedures are taken to prevent an unauthorised user accessing e-Remit. This should include the use of appropriate anti-spamming’, ‘anti-key logging’ and anti-‘virus’ software, in addition to appropriate personal computer or network ‘firewall’ protection.


The Customer acknowledges that the software underlying the e-Remit service as well as other internet related software which are required for accessing e-Remit are the legal property of the relevant Vendors. The permission given by the Bank to access e-Remit does not convey any proprietary or ownership rights in this software to the Customer.

The Customer must not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, recompile or reverse engineer the software underlying e-Remit or create any derivative product based on the software.



You are responsible for keeping your Security Identification secure and protecting it from unauthorised access.

Change Passwords

We will provide you with the necessary instructions to enable password changes. It is your responsibility to regularly change your passwords.

Unauthorised Access

You must notify us immediately if you become aware of or suspect unauthorised access to e-Remit, or the misuse, loss or theft of a device forming part of a Security Identification, or that the security of a password forming part of a Security Identification has been breached.

Cancellation of Security Identification or withholding of access

We may cancel your use of Security Identification, withhold access to e-Remit, or refuse to act on your instructions at any time, without notice, if we reasonably believe the Security Identification is being used in a way that may cause losses to you or us. We may vary the maximum amounts which you may transfer at any one time or within any period.


Rules for giving instructions

We will issue, in writing or on the e-Remit website, rules setting out the way instructions should be given, the times during which instructions may be affected and other relevant information. We may vary the rules from time to time. We will notify you of any such variation by publishing it on the e-Remit website or sending a written notice to you.

Compliance with rules

You are responsible for ensuring that the procedures set out in the rules are correctly followed for all transactions.

Quoting account number

It is your responsibility when instructing us to transfer funds to tell us the correct payee, IFSC /IBAN/sort code/routing number/BSB and account number. Funds may not be recovered if you instruct us to make a payment to an incorrect payee/account number. Neither we, nor the institution receiving a payment, check that the account, identified by the IFSC /IBAN/sort code/routing number/BSB and account number is held by the customer named in the payment instruction.


Liability for Users

You are liable under these Terms and Conditions for the acts and omissions of all Users. You release us from all actions, proceedings, claims, costs and demands that may be made brought or incurred by or against us arising from any failure to provide instructions to us, or any unauthorised or incorrect instructions, by any User. except to the extent that the loss or damage is caused by our act or omission in breach of this Agreement or by our (or our officers, employees, contractors or agents') negligence, fraud or wilful default.

You agree to indemnify and pay to the Bank on demand any amount equal to any losses, costs such as fees* and expenses ( including reasonable legal costs ) caused to the Bank in connection with the use of the e-Remit Facility by any User including without limitation where a payment made by through Poli or Bpay has failed or has been reversed for any reason except to the extent that the loss or damage is caused by our act or omission in breach of this Agreement or by our (or our officers, employees, contractors or agents' ) negligence, fraud or wilful default.

*For further information on SBIS Fees and Other Charges refer to R. General Provisions.

Deemed Authority

e-Remit transactions in the Customer's Account(s) are permitted only after authentication of the User with the use of your Security Identification. You agree that we are entitled to treat any transaction effected by the use of your Security Identification as a transaction which is undertaken with your authority.


The Bank shall have no obligation to verify the authenticity of any transaction received from the Customer through e-Remit or purporting to have been sent by the Customer via e-Remit other than by means of verification of the Security Identification, unless prior to the transaction you have instructed the Bank to cancel the Security Identification.

Record of Operation

The display or printed output that is produced by the Customer at the time of operation of e-Remit is a record of the operation of the e-Remit session and is not to be construed as the Bank's record of the relevant transactions.


The e-Remit website may include hyperlinks to websites on the internet that are owned or operated by third parties including sites owned by other overseas branches of the State Bank of India. Such linked websites are not under the control of the Bank and the Bank does not accept responsibility for the contents of, nor the consequences of, accessing any linked website or any link contained in a linked website.

The hyperlinks provided in this website should not be considered nor construed as an endorsement or verification by the Australian Bank of such linked websites or their contents.

The Customer agrees that the Customer’s access to and use of such hyperlinked websites is entirely at the Customer’s own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of access and use contained on those websites.


We are entitled to:

(a) increase or decrease the fees; or
(b) introduce a new fee; or
(c) vary these Terms and Conditions.

We will give you at least 30 days’ prior notice via email for the introduction of a new fee. We will give you 30 days’ prior notice by advertisement published on the e-Remit website or by email of an increase in an existing fee or charge. Otherwise, we will notify you by advertisement published on the e-Remit website or by email to you no later than the day on which the change takes effect. If you do not accept these changes, you may choose to terminate your use of e-Remit.

In the event that Your primary email address changes, You must notify SBIS. You may revoke Your consent at any time by contacting customer relations/e-remittance team

Additional Functionality

From time to time, we may introduce the functionality to e-Remit, which will also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Your usage or access to the new functionality will be taken to constitute your acceptance of the current Terms and Conditions.



If you:

(a) or a signatory appears to be a “Proscribed Person”;

(b) die or become legally incapacitated or become subject to any form of insolvency administration;

(c) fail to pay fees when due (and these have not been paid within 7 days of a notice from the Bank requiring the fees to be paid) ; or

(d) otherwise breach this Agreement (and if capable of remedy have given you 14 days' notice in writing to remedy the breach, which breach then remains unremedied),

we may immediately terminate this Agreement either by notifying you in writing or ceasing to provide access to e-Remit and/or exercise any right, power, or privilege conferred by law, equity or this Agreement, to recover from you any losses, damages, costs or expenses we have suffered, incurred or realised in connection with your use of the Service.;

(We will only exercise our rights under this clause if it is reasonable for us to do so.

Termination by either party

Either party may terminate this Agreement by 15 days’ notice in writing to the other party.

Continuing rights

Termination will not affect your right or our rights which have accrued before termination including our right to recover fees and any losses incurred by us.. You will remain responsible for any transaction on your e-Remit account prior to the time of cancellation of your e-Remit account.


If you appear to be a Proscribed Person, then we may immediately refuse to process or complete any transaction or dealing of yours; suspend the provision of a product or service to you; refuse to allow or to facilitate any of your assets held by us to be used or dealt with; refuse to make any asset available to you to any other Proscribed Person or entity; or terminate these arrangements with you. We will be under no liability to you if we do any of these things. Our rights under this clause are in addition to all other rights we may have.

If we exercise our rights under this clause you must pay us any damages, losses, costs or reasonable expenses that we incur in relation to any action taken under this clause, including without limitation, administrative costs and/or costs of sale or purchase of any transaction or deal put in place for the purposes of meeting our obligations under these Terms and Conditions.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of New South Wales. The Customer and the Bank agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.


Consequential loss

Where we have acted with due care and skill, we expressly exclude liability for consequential loss or damage in respect of this Agreement, your use of e-Remit, the unavailability of e-Remit, cancellation of your Security Identification, withholding of access to e-Remit by us, or any refusal to act on your instructions, or for loss of profit, business, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings.


We do not warrant that the services provided to you in relation to e-Remit will be fault free or that any problem with the e-Remit site or the internet can be solved immediately or quickly. You acknowledge that those services may rely on factors outside our control. We will use reasonable endeavours to overcome any fault in the services we provide to you as quickly as possible.

Statutory Warranties

The service when supplied to you as a consumer comes with a non-excludable warranty under consumer protection laws that it will be carried out with due care and skill and be reasonably fit for the purpose. If we breach any of those warranties, you may be entitled to compensation. When you are not a consumer under consumer protection laws our liability for loss or damage is limited to re-supplying the service to you or paying the costs of having the service re-supplied to you. When you are a consumer under the consumer protection laws, our liability is limited in this way only to the extent permitted by those laws.

Force Majeure

Where the Bank has acted with due care and skill the Bank is not responsible for any delay in communicating, carrying out or performing any instructions or transactions due to a failure of operational systems for reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Bank.

Liability for Third Parties’ systems

You acknowledge that disruptions to the operations and systems of other financial institutions may also delay or disrupt transactions. The Bank is unable to control the operations and systems of other institutions and is not liable to you for any loss arising from disruptions to the operations or systems of those institutions.



You may not assign your rights and obligations under this Agreement without first obtaining our written consent. The Bank may sub-contract and employ agents to carry out any of its obligations under this Agreement. The Bank may transfer or assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any other person without your consent.


No delay, neglect or forbearance by either party in enforcing its rights at law or any provisions of this Agreement against the other party shall be a waiver or in any way prejudice any right of either party, unless expressly stated in writing.


If any provision of this Agreement is found to be illegal, void or unenforceable for unfairness or any other reason (for example, if a court or other tribunal or authority delegate declares it so), the remaining provisions of this Agreement will continue to apply to the extent possible as if the void or unenforceable part had never existed.

Government duties, fees and charges

You must pay all Government duties, taxes, fees and charges which arise because of the execution of this Agreement and the rights given to you by this Agreement.


Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement to be given by us shall be sufficient if executed for and on behalf of us by one of our officers the title for whose position is or includes the word “manager”. Unless prohibited by law, we may send you notices by electronic communication by:

(a) sending the information to an electronic address nominated by you; or
(b) making the information available for retrieval at the e-Remit website and sending, to an electronic address nominated by you, a notification that the information is available


Whenever you ask for our consent, we will only refuse our consent if it is reasonable to refuse it. If we give our consent, we may impose reasonable conditions. You must comply with any reasonable conditions we impose in giving our consent.


No amendment, modification or variation of the provisions of this Agreement by you shall be effective unless made in writing and accepted by us. .


International Money Transfers (IMTs) are electronic payments of cleared funds that are credited directly to a nominated bank account almost anywhere in the world. They are an efficient and reliable way of making international payments.
SBIS recommends that you read all terms provided in this document relating to IMTs and that you ask us about any issues that concern you.

Use of a Correspondent

a) State Bank of India Sydney (SBIS) may use the services of another bank ('the Correspondent Bank') or agency ('the Correspondent Agency') or another branch of State Bank of India (SBI) (collectively, the Correspondent) to give effect to the instructions of the Applicant.

b) SBIS may terminate the use of a Correspondent to process any payment on behalf of SBIS. Should SBIS terminate a Correspondent, SBIS may not be able to process a payment instruction on your behalf. You acknowledge and agree that should this occur SBIS shall not be held liable for any cost, loss or liability incurred by you or the beneficiary because of SBIS not being able to process your payments due to SBIS terminating a Correspondent. You also agree and acknowledge that SBIS shall not be liable for any cost, loss or liability incurred by you and/or your beneficiary as a result of any delay in, or failure of processing your payment instructions by a Correspondent.

c) SBIS may receive a commission from, or enter commission/revenue sharing arrangements with a Correspondent, the amount of which will depend on various factors.

Correspondent Commissions, Fees or Other Charges

a) A Correspondent may charge commissions, fees or other charges in making payments to the beneficiary account. Unless other arrangements are in place with a Correspondent those commissions, fees or charges will normally either be deducted by a Correspondent from the funds paid to the beneficiary’s account or passed on to SBIS.

b) Where the deduction is made, the beneficiary will receive less than the payment amount specified in your instructions.

c) If those commissions, fees or charges are passed on to SBIS, then you will be required to reimburse SBIS for them.

d) At your request SBIS will obtain within ten (10) working days details of the commissions, fees or other charges for specified Correspondent’s used by SBIS. You acknowledge that SBIS’s ability to obtain such details is reliant upon the co-operation of the specified Correspondent.

SBIS Fees and Other Charges

a) SBIS fees and charges are as follows:

Table 1

Providing the TT service  

A$ 15.00

Applications through e-Remit portal (AUD to INR)



0-<1,000 – A$ 2

1000-<10,000 – A$ 4

10,000-24999.99- A$ 8

>25000 – NIL

Applications through e-Remit portal (AUD to AUD)


All other currency remittances through e-Remit


Cancelling the TT after it has been requested 
(in addition to the fee for initially providing the service) 
for AUD to any other multi-currency (INR, USD, GBP, SGD, CAD, EUR, NZD)

$15.00 plus conversion at TT Buying rate of request date

Making amendments to original payment details 

$10.00 (in addition to the fee for initially providing the service)  

Making enquiries regarding a payment to the beneficiary (for example querying the non-receipt of funds)  

$15.00 each

Return of the payment by the Correspondent (in addition to the fee for initially providing the service) 

[$30.00 plus any out of pocket expenses incurred by SBIS

b) All SBIS fees are denominated in Australian dollars.

c) These fees do not include any fees and charges that correspondent banks may charge.

Delayed Payment

a) The transfer of funds to India will normally take 24-48 hours by the branch of SBI / Correspondent Banks (The Expected Time). If the branch / Correspondent is not the beneficiary's branch / bank, it may take additional time to forward funds to the beneficiary's branch / bank. For other currency remittances, we do not take responsibility for the amount of time taken by the correspondent banks and the total time taken before the beneficiary gets the final credit in their account.

b) The transfer of funds may be delayed past the Expected Time due to circumstances beyond SBIS' control (which include but are not limited to) cut off times for transmissions imposed by a Correspondent Closure of payment window ; technical fault at RITS, APCA, SBIS etc, delays or complications in post or otherwise; delays, errors or omissions in transit or transmission; acts or omissions of a Correspondent or any other third party; or delays and complications in overseas banking systems. To the maximum extent permissible by law, SBIS and its employees and agents accept no responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from delays that arise as a result of the circumstances specified above or any act or thing done or omitted to be done by SBIS while acting in good faith on the Applicant's instructions.

c) Where the funds are not available for payment to the beneficiary by the Expected Time, the Applicant may request that SBIS generate, on behalf of the Applicant, an enquiry into the delay ('the Enquiry'). Where the delay is not caused by SBIS, the Applicant will indemnify SBIS for all or any costs or expenses incurred by SBIS as a result of generating, carrying out and completing the Enquiry including, without limitation, legal costs on a solicitor and client basis.

d) SBIS may contact you to confirm your instructions or your identity and may ask you to undertake further actions (such as an identification check). Without limitation to clause 6, if SBIS is unable to confirm your instructions or your identity to its satisfaction, then SBIS may decide in its absolute discretion to refund, delay, block or refuse to make payments and in doing so will not be held liable to you for any costs, losses or damages caused or suffered as a result.

e) In case of transaction not being completed, the reverse charges applicable for cancellation and refund of transactions shall not be set off against any promotion campaign offerings and hence will be deductible by SBIS as a claim against the customer.

Enquiries and Stopping or cancelling a payment

a) In some limited circumstances SBIS may be able to stop or cancel a transfer of funds.

b) You acknowledge that is SBIS agrees to stop or cancel a payment, SBIS will not return the funds to you until they are received by SBIS from the Correspondent.

c) SBIS fee for requesting stopping or cancelling of a payment is set out in the table in Section 3 above.

d) Where you request SBIS to stop or cancel a payment or transfer of funds, SBIS will charge you fees in accordance with clause above and the following terms and conditions. The fees are applicable regardless of whether SBIS is successful in stopping or cancelling the payment. You acknowledge that any Correspondent may also charge a fee and that this will be deducted from the returned funds. You agree to indemnify SBIS for any loss that occurs because of SBIS agreeing to stop or cancel a payment, which includes any loss because of any foreign exchange movement between and including the date of the original conversion of your funds and the date you are notified by SBIS of the return of the payment. SBIS will convert the value of the returned payment into Australian dollars using SBIS’s applicable prevailing rate on the day you are notified by SBIS of the return of the payment or on the day you supply the relevant bank details to affect the credit, whichever is later.

e) You agree to indemnify SBIS for any loss, cost, expense or other liability (including any charges) sustained or incurred by SBIS because of SBIS acting in good faith on any instructions provided; both written and verbal. except to the extent that the loss or damage is caused by our act or omission in breach of this Agreement or by our (or our officers, employees, contractors or agents') negligence, fraud or wilful default. ...

f) You acknowledge that SBIS will rely on identification information when provided with instructions either verbally or in writing. You also acknowledge that making identification information available to other people increases the risk of fraud.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) and Sanctions

You agree that SBIS may delay, block or refuse to process any transaction without incurring any liability and without informing you of the reasons, if SBIS suspects the transaction:

a) may breach any laws or regulations in Australia or in any other country
b) involves any person (natural, corporate or governmental) that it itself sanctioned or is connected, directly or indirectly, to any person that is sanctioned under economic and trade sanctions imposed by the United States, the European Union or any country; or
c) may directly or indirectly involve the proceeds of or be applied for conduct which is unlawful in Australia or in any other country.
d) You must provide all information to SBIS which SBIS reasonably requires managing Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing and economic and trade sanction risk or to comply with any laws or regulations in Australia or in any other country.
e) You agree that SBIS may disclose any information concerning you, it, or any person named in the payment instruction to:

(i) any law enforcement, regulatory agency or court where required by any such law or regulation in Australia or elsewhere; 
(ii) any Correspondent SBIS uses to make payment for compliance with any such law or regulation.

You declare and undertake to SBIS that the processing of any transaction by SBIS in accordance with your instructions will not breach any laws or regulations in Australia or any other country.

Return of the Payment by the Correspondent

a) In the event that a payment cannot be applied by a Correspondent, the Correspondent will either request additional information or return the payment to SBIS, less any fees. Where additional information is requested, SBIS will attempt to contact you via mail or phone to obtain the required information.

b) Where the payment is returned SBIS will credit your account with the Australian dollar equivalent of the amount received (less SBIS and/or the Correspondent’s charges), at SBIS’ prevailing buying rate of exchange for the currency on the date that SBIS credit your account. Please note that this rate of exchange is likely to be different from the rates which applied when you requested your payment. This may mean the credit to your account is of greater or lesser value than the original transaction.

Exchange Rate

Where you purchase an International Money Transfer in a currency other than Australian dollars, the exchange rate that applies to the purchase of the currency is either the SBIS published exchange rate on [] or a market based rate of exchange, depending on the value of the transaction or the method you use to request the International Money Transfer, at the time your request is submitted or accepted by SBIS.


a) When you deal with SBIS, SBIS is likely to collect and use some of your personal information. Collection of your information is essential for SBIS to service both your relationship with SBIS and SBIS’ business operations. Without your information that SBIS request you to provide to SBIS, SBIS would not be able to provide you with SBIS products and services.

b) SBIS may collect and use your personal information (subject to SBIS’ banking licence issued by APRA or any other relevant authorities) including but not limited to:

a. provides you with information about a product or service
b. considers your request for a product or service;
c. provides you with a product or service;
d. tells you about other products or services;
e. assist in arrangements with other organisations (such as loyalty partners) in relation to the promotion and provision of a product or service;
f. to perform other administrative and operational tasks (including risk management, debt collection, systems development and testing, credit scoring, staff training, and market or customer satisfaction research)
g. to prevent or investigate any fraud or crime (or a suspected fraud or crime); and
h. as required by relevant laws, regulations, codes and external payment systems.

c) Subject to SBIS’ general duties of confidentiality towards our customers, SBIS may need to disclose your personal information to:

a. an organisation that is in an arrangement or alliance with SBIS, including but not limited to SBIS agents, contractors and external advisers who SBIS engage to carry out SBIS functions and activities from time to time or who assist SBIS to carry out SBIS functions and activities for the purpose of promoting or using their respective products or services (and any agents used by the organisation in administering such an agreement or alliance)
b. any service provider SBIS engages to carry out or assist its functions and activities; 
c. your authorised agents or your executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or attorney/legal representative;
d. regulatory bodies, government agencies and law enforcement bodies; 
f. other parties SBIS are authorised or required by law to disclose information to;
g. other financial institutions (such as banks);
h. mortgage insurers and any reinsurer of any such mortgage insurer;
j. your guarantors (and intending guarantors); and
k. any person who introduces you to SBIS

For the avoidance of doubt, you understand that by application of this clause, you will not be afforded any other rights to any other products other than for IMTs. This clause is for privacy and information.

d) Subject to any restrictions imposed on SBIS by the Privacy Act 1988 and any obligations imposed on any SBIS’ banking licence in accordance with APRA or any other relevant authority, you agree and consent to any disclosures by SBIS of your information to an organisation of these types for any of our purposes listed above.

e) Subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988, you may access your personal information at any time by requesting to do so at any SBIS branch. SBIS may charge a reasonable fee for access.

f) If you are able to establish that your information held by us is not accurate, complete and up to date, SBIS must take reasonable steps to ensure that the information is accurate, complete and up to date.

g) SBIS will not collect sensitive information about you, such as health information, without your consent.

h) If you give SBIS personal information about someone else or direct someone else to give their personal information to SBIS you will show that person a copy of this clause so that they may understand the manner in which their personal information may be used or disclosed by SBIS.

i) If you are a company, then by applying for this service (‘the service’), you agree and consent to the matters following:

If you supply SBIS with personal information about an individual, you agree to tell that person that:
i. SBIS are holding personal information about him/her and he/she can contact SBIS at any of SBIS’ branches;
ii. personal information collected about that person will be used for the primary purpose of assessing your application for the requested service and, if your application is approved, for the initial establishment of the service and then for the subsequent administration and eventual finalisation of your service and that without that personal information, this purpose cannot be fulfilled.

Personal information collected about that person will usually be disclosed to SBIS and to the following types of organisations-
i. regulatory bodies, government agencies and law enforcement bodies; and 
ii. other parties SBIS are authorised or required by law to disclose information to.

iii. That person has the right to access and correct personal information SBIS hold about him or her.. 

j) If you are not a company then by applying for this service (‘the service’) you agree and consent to the matters SBIS will collect your information primarily for the initial establishment of the service and then for the subsequent administration and eventual finalisation of the service.

k) Subject to SBIS’ banking licence issued by APRA or any other relevant authority, whether you are a company or an individual, SBIS may use or disclose your information for each of the following additional purposes:

a. performing our internal administration and operations including accounting, risk management, record-keeping, archiving, systems development and testing, and staff training;
b. compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements; and
c. prevention and investigation of crime or fraud to protect your interest and the interest of SBIS. 

Reward Program (Loyalty Points) Terms and Conditions 

  1. These Terms and Conditions govern the operation and Membership of the SBIA loyalty program.
  2. Additional terms and conditions may apply to earning or redemption of Points with Program Partners. Additional terms and conditions may be notified to Members on the relevant section of our website, on Program Partner websites, in any Member communication (such as an email or text) or other document that we send to a Member in connection with the program.
  3. In order to earn or redeem Points, Members may enter into a separate contract with a Program Partner, which is subject to separate terms of the Program Partner. SBIA is not a party to any contract between a Member and Program Partner. Program Partner terms do not form part of any contract between the Member and SBIA.
  4. These Terms and Conditions are effective as at 23 July 2019 and may be amended by SBIA from time to time and published on our website. The current Terms and Conditions are those available at the SBIA website.
  5. Unauthorised or mistaken transactions, or loss or theft of the means for accessing e-Remit including the Points will be at the risk of the customer except to the extent caused by our or our agents' negligence, fraud or wilful default. Complaints can be escalated to SBIA per the usual complaints handling process on website.

  Loyalty Points- Defined Terms

 Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions apply:

 Member means an e-Remit customer who has been allocated a membership number by SBIA and whose Membership has not been terminated in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. Membershiphas a corresponding meaning. 

  1. Points means the points which may be earned and redeemed by Members in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. 
  2. Program means the loyalty points program operated by SBIA under these Terms and Conditions 
  3. Program Partner means an entity with which SBIA has an agreement or arrangement concerning:
    1. earning Points through activities and or transactions involving the entity; and
    2. (the supply of Rewards by the entities to a customer when SBIA notifies the entity of an accepted and valid redemption request.
  4. Reward/ Loyalty pointsmeans a product or service available for redemption using Points only or in the case of a Program Partner using Points and an additional payment required by the Program Partner.
  5. SBIA or we or us means State Bank of India Sydney Branch ABN 95 082 610 008 and its successors and assigns. 

Loyalty Points Membership 

  1. If we have accepted your e-Remit facility application by signing up for the service at or the mobile app, you are eligible to participate in the Program and you are taken to have:
    1. agreed to these Terms and Conditions; and
    2. read and understood the Privacy Statement and the Privacy Policy;

       as amended from time to time.

  1. An applicant becomes a Member when they are allocated a membership number by us.
  2. Eligibility for Membership is at the ultimate discretion of SBIA.

 Earning Loyalty Points 

  1. Points are earnt on all SBIA e-remit transactions, other SBIA promotions and with selected Program Partners except any transactions applying promo codes, where loyalty points are being redeemed OR, if we have agreed to provide a special exchange rate for the transaction other than our usual rate  published on our 
  2. Points are earned as 1 point per A$1 dollar in a successfully processed e-Remit transaction and have no expiry date.
  3. Members who refer a friend receive 10,000 Points when that new customer (referee) completes an e-Remit transaction worth A$3000 through e-Remit.
  4. Referrals given to relatives or family residing at the same address as the referrer will not be eligible for the benefits under Refer a friend Promotion.
  5. There are no fees and charges for earning Points.
  6. Customers can check their balance on their rewards points by accessing their SBIA e-Remit account.
  7. Allocation of Points will be made within 5 business days of completed and verified transactions.
  8. SBIA will not allocate Points (and may reverse any allocation) in respect of any transaction which is the subject of a cancellation, refund, return or which has been allocated in error.

 Redeeming Loyalty Points 

  1. Points can only be used on AUD to INR remittances or with a Program Partner.
  2. Points may only be redeemed in the manner set out on our website and is subject to change.
  3. The number of Points held in the Member’s account must be sufficient for the particular Reward requested by the Member at the time of processing their redemption request.
  4. Points can be redeemed in parcels of 2,000, 4,000, 6,000, 8,000 or 10,000 Points where a total maximum of 10,000 Points can be redeemed in any one transaction.
  5. Points do not have any cash value, are not convertible into cash and are non-transferable.
  6. Point redemption may have an exchange rate and/or exchange rate and remittance fee option as set out in our website. 

We may, in our absolute discretion, at any time without notice and without liability:

  1. alter the number of Points required to obtain a particular Reward;
  2. impose times in which Rewards will not be available;
  • make any changes (including withholdings and cancellations) to Rewards and their availability (including by limiting, withdrawing, modifying, cancelling or increasing the availability) from time to time.
  1. Separate terms and conditions will govern the Member’s relationship with Program Partners and the supply of Rewards.
  2. SBIA makes no commitments regarding the supply of particular Rewards by its Program Partners. Should a Member have any claim regarding the quality or otherwise of a Reward, the Member should direct that claim to the supplier of that Reward.
  3. SBIA may receive a payment from Program Partners to enable the provision of Rewards to Members.

Changes to Loyalty program 

  1. We can (make changes to any aspect of the Program and the Terms and Conditions at any time by updating our website, or (in the case of a Program Partner) the relevant Program Partner website, or by notice to Members’ mobile phone or email address. We do not have to give Members any other notice of changes, even if the changes affect or remove features of the Program or Program Partners.
  2. It is Members’ responsibility to ensure that they read and understand the applicable Terms and Conditions both before applying for Membership, and as amended from time to time.
  3. Members may terminate their Membership in accordance with Termination of Loyalty Program clause if they do not agree to changes. Members have no other rights in relation to the changes. The changes will apply to Points earned and redemptions between the date of the change and the date the Member terminates their Membership. 

Termination of Loyalty Program 

  1. SBIA does not guarantee that the rewards program will continue indefinitely. We may terminate the rewards program or your entitlement to participate in the rewards program and will give you at least 60 days' notice of termination.
  2. Notice of termination will be posted on our website and sent:
    1. to the email address specified on your account;
    2. via a SMS text message to the mobile phone number on your account.
  3. Once notice of termination has been given, Members may not redeem Points after the notice period expires.
  4. Any Points that are not redeemed during the 60 days’ notice period will be forfeited and Members will have no claim against us or any forfeited Points. 


SBIS wants to know if you have any issues. Please contact SBIS through the following methods:

a) Internal Dispute Resolution can occur if you contact SBIS via one of the following methods:

Via telephone on (02) 9241 5643;
Via post at Suite 2, Level 31, 264 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 to the attention of ‘CEO, State Bank of India Sydney Branch; or
Email to

b) You can call SBIS in person on weekdays between 9:00am to 4:00pm AEST;

c) If SBIS is unable to solve your problem promptly then SBIS hopes to work with you to resolve the matter within twenty-one (21) working days on a best effort basis.

d) If it is not possible for SBIS to solve the problem in accordance with clause (c) above, SBIS will keep you informed of SBIS’ progress and how long SBIS expects it will take to resolve your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the steps taken by SBI to resolve the complaint, or with the result of our investigation, you may wish to contact an alternative financial services dispute resolution scheme at:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority

Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call) 
In writing to: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001